23 Elf on the Shelf Ideas
23 Elf on the Shelf Ideas
Elf on the Shelf is a modern Christmas tradition that has recently grown more popular with young children.
Like most Christmas traditions, it helps to bring the magic to life for our children. The thought of a mischievous elf getting up to no good during the night only to be caught out the following day is so exciting for our little ones.
The only snag with Elf on the Shelf is that it requires an awful lot of effort throughout the month from us: the parents.
Many parents may even hope their children haven’t heard about Elf on the Shelf so they can avoid it altogether! It’s understandable; preparing for 23 escapades over a month is quite an undertaking.
However, we’re here to do half the battle for you by giving you all the ideas. Then, all you have to do is bring them to life.
But first, remember the golden rule: Children should not touch the elf, or he will lose his magic and must return to the North Pole on Christmas Eve.
So then, let’s get into the festive spirit.
1) Candy Cane Garden
Three days’ worth of ideas in one: a Candy Cane Garden!
Use crushed chocolate cookies as “soil” and watch the peppermint grow from round candies to full candy canes.
2) Broccoli Christmas Trees
Arrange the broccoli into the shape of a Christmas Tree and top it with cherry tomatoes and peppers to look like decorations. They will then complete their tree with a yellow pepper cut in a star shape.
3) Balloon Baubles
This one always gets children excited and is really easy to do. Blow up several colourful balloons and attach them to your tree like baubles.
4) On Your Marks, Get Set, Bake!
Set up a Christmas baking scene for your shelf. This is pretty easy to do and can be adapted depending on what ingredients you have in your kitchen.
5) Sprinkle (Snow) Angels
For this one, pour some sprinkles on a surface in your home and place the elf on top to make a sprinkle angel.
6) Self-Portrait Family Photo
Why not make the elf an official family member and add them to your family photo?
7) Elf Clubhouse
Pop your elf in a cardboard “Santa Scout Only Clubhouse” to keep an eye on good behaviour.
8) Loo Roll Snowman
This is another easy but fun one to do. Make a snowman out of loo rolls and pop the elf in the top!
9) Cup of Marshmallows
Who wouldn’t want to sit in a big cup of marshmallows? So fill a coffee cup with marshmallows and allow the elf to chill near your kettle or coffee machine.
10) Movie Night, Anyone?
Set your elf up on the sofa with the TV remote and a bowl of popcorn!
11) Our Little Boy Is Growing Up
A little boy wants to be just like his Dad, and so does your elf! Your little ones will find it hilarious to wake up to see the elf shaving his beard.
12) Something Fishy is Going On
A great surprise for your little ones is to see the elf fishing for tasty treats!
13) Snowball Fight!
Pit your elf against one of your children’s favourite toys in a snowball fight (use little balls of paper for the snowballs).
14) Dear Santa
Type or write a letter to Santa Claus from the elf saying that he won’t make it back to the North Pole in time for Christmas!
15) Skiing Is the Next Best Thing to Having Wings
Let the elf take a little ski trip down the stairs. You can fashion some skis out of lollypop sticks and put a streak of toilet paper down the stairs to create a snow trail.
16) That’s Not Your Ice Cream!
Pop the elf in the freezer and stage an ice cream heist!
17) Those Don’t Look Like Stockings
This one gets a lot of giggles. Let your elf replace your Christmas stockings with your family’s underpants!
18) A Christmas Decoration Hunt
Let your elf hide some ornaments from the Christmas tree to create a special hunt for your child to try and find them the next day.
19) Loo Roll Christmas Tree
Wrap your Christmas tree in loo roll to show just how naughty the elf can be.
20) Drive-In Movie
Set up a few toy cars in front of a smartphone or tablet to set the scene for a drive-in movie event.
21) Pom Pom Ball Pit
Create a fun ball pit for the elf out of lots of pom poms!
22) Giant Bubble Bath
Blow up a mixture of white and clear balloons and put them in the bathtub. This one often gets a priceless reaction!
23) Self Portrait
Last but certainly not least is the self-portrait. Draw a picture of the elf and position him to imply that he has drawn it himself.
There you have it! 23 great Elf on the Shelf ideas to add a dusting of Christmas magic this year.