WINTER OPEN DAYS: FEBRUARY & MARCH 2025 - Multiple Locations
WINTER OPEN DAYS: FEBRUARY & MARCH 2025 - Multiple Locations
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Policies and procedures

Speak to your nursery manager for a full copy


Listed here are summaries of our stance on core policies and procedures. If you’d like a full copy of any of our policies and procedures, please speak to a nursery manager who’ll be happy to provide them to you.

Behaviour Management

At Tommies, we believe in a consistent and positive approach to managing the behaviour of children in our nurseries.

We see behaviour as communication. We acknowledge that young children experience big emotions and express themselves in different ways. After all, their social and emotional skills are, as yet, undeveloped.

We aim to keep children continuously engaged in activities that contribute to their ongoing learning. We will also regularly create new environments for children that are stimulating, motivating and encourage learning and development.

At Tommies, we employ strategies to ensure that all children develop a sense of right and wrong, and care and consideration for others. We believe that positive reinforcement and focusing on good behaviour is the best way to guide a child’s behaviour.

Young children often follow the example of those around them, including staff. We need children to understand what is expected of them within the nursery setting, therefore staff members act as positive role models, showing children how and why things are done. Communication or instructions should be clear, concise, and polite. Children need to observe good behavioural models and then copy such activities such as sharing, taking turns, listening, and showing mutual respect.

Within our settings, children will be encouraged to recognise that bullying, fighting and hurting is not acceptable behaviour. Children are encouraged to respect others, demonstrate a caring attitude, and recognise the difference between right and wrong. As much as possible, children are encouraged to follow the Golden Rules of the setting, therefore widening their awareness and understanding of the importance of structure and co-operation.

Health & Safety

All of our staff are qualified and trained to create safe learning environments for children. At least one member of staff will conduct a safety check at the beginning and end of each day to ensure that the nursery environment is safe and secure. This gives you valuable peace of mind.

We have designated Health and Safety co-ordinators at each of our nurseries who carry out regular checks on first aid kits, monitoring of risk assessments, and ensure that the Health and Safety policy is fully enforced. At Tommies, all nursery staff are fully trained in paediatric first aid.

All visitors to our nurseries are required to sign the visitor’s book on arrival and departure, and we ensure that visitors are not be left unsupervised with children.

At Tommies, a child can only be collected by their parents/carers or by a person who has been given permission.

If our staff do not recognise a person that is collecting a child, then the child will stay at nursery until a member of staff has contacted the child’s parents/carers.


Tommies Childcare is committed to ensuring that the views and opinions of others are valued, encouraged and responded to. We constantly strive for high-quality childcare which meets the needs of our families.

Whilst aiming to achieve the highest standards of care and education for children attending any of our settings and fostering a positive partnership with parents, management recognises that circumstances may sometimes lead to a parent/carer wishing to make a formal or informal complaint.

Complaints should be dealt with professionally and promptly to ensure that any issues arising from these complaints are handled effectively and to ensure the welfare of all children.

We understand that from time to time, there may be occasions when issues require further oversight. Any problems that need escalation can be discussed with the child’s Key Person, a member of the management tea, the Nursery Manager or escalated to the Area Manager. If you are still unhappy with the outcome at this stage, you may also escalate complaints to Ofsted.


Tommies Childcare is committed to supporting the inclusion of all children. We believe that all children have the right to reach their full potential and achieve the best possible outcomes whilst recognising that they may require some adjustments or additional support.

Tommies Childcare will ensure that all children are treated fairly and are supported by a Designated Special Education Needs Coordinator who has the knowledge required to fulfil this role. All of our employees are aware of this policy and their role in supporting children identified as needing additional support.

Medication Policy

We understand that there may be times where your child may need medication when with us. This will be at the discretion of the nursery manager.

If agreed, you’ll be asked to complete a medication record detailing the directions for administering the medication. Medication will only ever be administered in line with the manufacturer or prescription guidance.

We allow one dose of Calpol provided by the nursery to be administered for high temperatures only.

A child must not have their first dose of medication at nursery. We ask that parents wait at least 12 hours after starting a course should any side effects become evident.

Nurseries adopt the policy of a ‘well child’ to decide whether your child is well enough to be at nursery. A child who is well is defined as:

  • A child who is not reliant on temperature relief medication
    (e.g. Calpol)
  • A child who is not running a high temperature
  • A child who is well enough to participate in all areas of nursery activities
  • A child with their normal appetite, who is happy and sociable
  • A child who does not require a greater staff ratio, or
  • A child who has their normal bowel functions.

If your child is considered not well enough to be at nursery you will be called to collect your child.

One of the emergency contacts listed on your registration form can collect your child, however for their protection you must advise the nursery before this can be authorised.

Safeguarding Children Policy

As a family business with a focus on caring for children, we take safeguarding seriously. All of our staff are trained in line with the Local Safeguarding Children’s Partnerships guidance and procedures. Our staff also use the statutory guidance, “Working Together to Safeguard Children” and “Keeping Children Safe in Education” to underpin our safeguarding procedures. They work together with parents and outside agencies to ensure all guidelines are followed.

We have a designated Safeguarding Person at each of our nurseries who acts as a lead for any safeguarding concerns. They’ll ensure that all safeguarding policies are followed and follow up on any concerns.

All staff at Tommies, no matter their role, will be fully vetted and hold a current enhanced DBS.

Contact Us

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Give us a call or drop us an email and a member of our friendly team will be in touch as soon as possible.


Tommies Childcare
Parkville Highway

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